Requirements, 448.63
Requirement, 448.61, 448.62
Unlicensed practice; malpractice liability, 448.66
Malpractice liability insurance required, 448.655
Patient health care records, 146.81 to 146.83
Confidentiality and patient access violations, penalties, 146.84
Preservation or destruction of, 146.819
Records of deceased practitioners, 857.035
Practice requirements, 448.67
Privileged patient communication, 905.04
Title, use of, 448.61
Unprofessional conduct:
Disciplinary proceedings, 448.675
Hospital reports, 50.36, 448.68
Injunctive relief, 448.685
Penalties, 448.69
Unlicensed practice; malpractice liability, 448.66
Worker's compensation, 102.42 (2)
Examination and testimony of podiatrists, 102.13 (1)
Reports of podiatrists, 102.17 (1)
Wounds and burns, reporting requirements, 255.40
poisons POISONS
Delivery, labels, 450.14
Hazardous substances act, 100.37
Lead poisoning prevention, 254.11 to 254.172
For detailed analysis, see Lead Poisoning Prevention
Packaging standards, 100.43
Pesticides, see Pesticides
Poison control system, 255.35
police and fire fighters hall of fame POLICE AND FIRE FIGHTERS HALL OF FAME
Designation, 213.106
police officer relief associations POLICE OFFICER RELIEF ASSOCIATIONS
Generally, 213.11
police officers POLICE OFFICERS
Note: The subject matter under this head relates to the general authority of police officers. For provisions relating to the employment of police officers and the organization, operation and specialized functions of police departments and agencies, see Cities—13. Police; Counties—17. Sheriff; State—18. Officers and Employees; Towns—11. Police; Villages—10. Police
Abused or neglected children and unborn children, duty to report, 48.981
Arrest power:
Generally, 968.07
Alcohol beverage violations, 125.14
Close pursuit, 175.40
Out-of-state officers, uniform act, 976.04
Domestic abuse, required arrests, 968.075
Off-duty, out of jurisdiction, 175.40 (6m)
Restraining order violations:
Adult-at-risk abuse, 813.123 (9)
Child abuse, 813.122 (10)
Domestic abuse, 813.12 (7)
Harassment, 813.125 (6)
Trespass to dwellings; arrest and removal policy required, 175.403
Body cameras, 165.87
Custody, authority to take into, 48.19
Jail, criteria for holding in, 48.209
Records confidential, exceptions, 48.396
Citations, power to issue, 968.085
Citizen assistance, commanding, refusal, 946.40
Conservation wardens, assisting, acting as deputy, 29.941
Controlled substance contacts, reporting duties, 961.37
Deaths involving officers, review, 175.47
Departments, see Cities; Towns; Villages
Drones, law enforcement use restricted, 175.55
Emergencies, powers, 323.16
Eyewitness identification procedures, 175.50
Fingerprinting and criminal identification, 165.84
Force, 175.44
Written policies and complaint procedure, 66.0511
Human trafficking prevention, 66.0511 (4)
Identification cards, 175.48
Custody, authority to take into, 938.19
Jail or municipal lockup facility, criteria for holding in, 938.209
Records confidential, exceptions, 938.396
Marquette University police department, 175.42
Mentally ill person, emergency detention, 51.15
Mutual aid, 66.0313
Adjacent state agencies, 175.46
Opioid antagonist administration, 256.40 (3)
Protective services:
Adults-at-risk, investigation of abuse, 55.043 (2)
Placement, detention of person for, 55.135
Public insurrection, death and disability benefits, 106.25
Public safety peer counseling, 165.875
Pursuit, high speed; guidelines, 346.03 (6)